Claims of Fact, Value, and Policy
Claims of Fact
Claims of Policy
Watching television leads to a decline in courtesy.
Video games promote juvenile delinquency.
Children should have the right to form and express their own views in legal matters affecting them.
Homeless youth are often victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
Marriage is a religious sacrament so government should not be deciding who can marry.
TV news does not present the truth.
Telephoning or texting while driving should be illegal.
Homophobic people are in denial.
Make required college courses pass/fail.
Public schools cause students to act like prisoners.
Raise the drinking age to 25 years old.
Women still face discrimination in the classroom.
Abolish tax-supported compulsory education.
Graphic novels (comic books) encourage sexual experimentation.
Vandalism, reckless driving or some other crime should be punished with public flogging.
Making prayer an official part of the school day is coercive and invasive.
Parents should not be allowed to choose the gender of intersex babies.
Advertising influences people to live beyond their means.
Minority histories (Native American, African American, gay American) should be taught in high school classes.
Keeping animals pets indicates that a culture has reached a high level of wealth and luxury.
Establish compulsory military service (the draft) for men and women.
Privately owned prisons threaten justice because they have the incentive and the wherewithal to extend the time convicts remain in prison.
Permit people to marry whomever they want, regardless of sex or number.
Rapists should be surgically castrated.
Retention negatively impacts students' behavior, attitude, and attendance.
Citizens of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada should be free to live and work in any of those three countries.
Social promotion undermines students' futures when they fail to develop critical study and job-related skills.
Deny additional support to mothers who become pregnant while receiving welfare benefits.
Aggressive driving has become a serious problem on our roadways.
Congress should pass more laws to establish and protect the legal rights of animals.
Religious beliefs have flourished in this country not in spite of but because of the constitutional separation of church and state.
People should be given dignity, decent food, adequate health care, comfortable surroundings, and safety while incarcerated in county or city jails.
Viruses are a greater threat than terrorists are.
Abolish capital punishment.
Ending the drug war would reduce crime.
Society must limit the birth rate.
Racial profiling is an effective police tool.
The government should censor violence in movies.
Cloning or stem cell research offers benefits to the human race.
School administrators should censor student publications.
Bicycles riders should get out of the way of motorists.
The U.N. must push for decriminalizing gay sex in the 75 countries where it is still illegal.
Claims of Value
Prosecute tobacco company executives for manslaughter.
Art deserves support even if there is not sufficient patronage for it to survive on its own merits.
Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is about persevering.
Political campaigns should be funded entirely by the taxpayers.
Decisions about federal land should be made by voters.
Police officers should not be allowed to lie to suspects.
Renaissance drama continues to address the human condition.
Gangsta rap is an underappreciated artistic expression.
Flag burning should be punished by incarceration in a federal prison.
The government needs to invest in scientific research.
Science fiction novels and stories are mind-expanding entertainment.
Make Esperanto our national language.
Executions should be televised.
The movie _________ is an important film experience.
Colleges should stop punishing students for plagiarism.
The novel _________ lacks aesthetic quality.
End the reliance on automobile transportation.
Looking at great paintings can make you a better person.
Let smokers light up wherever they want.
The state must balance individual right of privacy against society’s psychological health and quality of life.
Pornography or films like Bum Fights are artistic expressions.
Freedom of choice is a natural human right.
Boycott the cosmetics industry.
The government should commit to human habitation of the solar system.
While burning tobacco, smokers should have to seal themselves in plastic bubbles
G. K. Chesterton’s “The Blue Cross” defies logic.
T he US should adopt a national health care system.
Edgar Poe’s “Murders in the Rue Morgue” sets the standard for the classic mystery story.
Implant all people with a computer chip detailing, medical, financial, and legal history.